Who We Are

We offer a 4,300 sq/ft. fitness coaching facility located in Hinckley, OH on Rt 303 1 mi east of I-71.  We offer group and individual coaching, using the CrossFit methodology. CrossFit workouts are comprised of constantly varied functional movements (like pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, running) executed at high intensity.

What We Do

Instead of rows of stationary bikes and weight machines, our facility is filled with pull-up bars, kettlebells, barbells, rowers and wide open space for squatting, running, jumping, climbing, lifting and throwing – moving your body the way it is supposed to move.

All of your workouts are made up of  exercises that mimic movements performed in day-to-day life or sport. We focus on improving functional movements that are necessary and common in your daily activities, like picking up your kids or moving that bag of mulch from your trunk to the backyard.

How We're Different

At CrossFit, you never workout alone. Instead, you train with a small group of other athletes and one of our experienced, professional coaches who come up with a different, fun workout everyday and help customize it to suit your fitness level.

All Classes are 55 minutes long and guaranteed to make you work hard. Our workouts are designed improve your capacity in ten recognized fitness domains: cardio-respiratory, endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

And working with a small group of athletes helps you get the personal attention that you just can't find at a large gym. We strive to create a friendly and fun atmosphere that welcomes athletes from all walks of life. Your team is there to motivate and support you as you transform yourself mentally and physically.